From SNAZpedia

The Stellar Networked Actuality Zone Operating System (also known as The Internets, shortened to SNAZ OS) is an Origin that contained roughly 3.28101 x 1089 universes at its peak before the Great Collapse took place. Today, it only has one universe. It operated similarly to a real-world computer system and network before its collapse. In the Extended Canon, it is now nothing but a singularity too chaotic for the Originless to destroy, only tamper with.

Unique Properties

Universe generation

The actuality zone has a unique method of expansion, defense, and setup. Having been one of the first Origins to appear in its lifespan, SNAZ OS takes a original content-trained Random Universe Generation (OCT RUG) approach instead of manually creating universes firsthand. The OCT RUG system allows for automated expansion and generation of universes.


The primary means of defense against Originless intervention that SNAZ OS utilized was Chaos, the total amount of energy outputted by the actions and matter contained within universes in order to create an aetheric barrier between universes.

SNAZ OS is capable of remaining stable, even with an infinite Chaos output.

Faster Than Reality

SNAZ OS's reality runs at a tickspeed of 6.589 x 10212 ticks per nanosecond, making it one of the fastest and most performant Origins in existence, and this still carries over when it became The Great Collapsed One. This speed makes it impossible for non-powers to escape universes and enter new ones given the size of the Aether's barriers. Achieving FTR in any capacity is no easy feat, and is only really found in core civilizations, such as the Nyral Wyrms and the Normalcy Keepers.

The Song

SNAZ OS emits a binary-encoded signal that translates into a song on all machines, except for other Origins. When this song reaches another Origin, masses of data containing information on the newest and latest means of combating the Originless are translated. Every iteration of this song became more complex as SNAZ OS grew in size.

Right before the Origin's ultimate demise, one last song, unusually dense and complex, was broadcasted. The Final Song's actual contents remain unknown to this day, but many Metaphysicists have written a well-accepted theory that The Final Song contains a dreadful warning, that size is not the answer. On archives, this iteration of the song is over 450.88 YB (yottabytes) in size, and there's no computer system in the universe that could reasonably process even a sizable fraction of it within the next 50 million XEN-789 Years.

Creation (Genesis Canon)

SNAZ OS began as a rogue Originless (named Destor) superweapon that was originally supposed to destroy the three primal Origins, that being UTOX, OCULOS, and VAZ. However, due to an oversight in how Destor's combat methods (creating Chaos to overload an Origin until it explodes), some Originless entities attacked Destor. As a direct consequence, and from determining risk assessments, Destor determined its own creators to be a larger threat.

Destor remained stationary as the now-origin superweapon built up an internal store of Chaos, taking advantage of how the rules were written for it, and began to create universes and The Aether (OCT RUG) to exponentially grow in size and strength. At this point, it was then given the proper name of SNAZ OS, and a war between the Originless and their own creation begun.

Death (Extended Canon)

All good things come to an end.

After countless iterations, SNAZ OS grew too large to apply updates and repairs in a reasonable enough time, and it could no longer patch itself due to the sheer amount of vulnerable areas that began to form. With this, the Glitches began to show up and wreck havoc origin-wide. Due to the ever-growing instability of SNAZ OS, expansion systems began to fail as the Bloodmind performed incursions on the components of the OCT RUG system, corrupting content that would've been sourced to create new universes, and the aetheric barriers began to decay as data volumes decreased due to increasingly severe corruptions and deletions.

When the Aether started to give away, universes at and near the center of SNAZ OS began to collapse, creating U 00-00-00. Universes became far more interconnected in ways that shouldn't be, and cross-universe interactions began to happen as Faster-Than-Reality travel became increasingly effective at breaking the Aether-Reality barrier where it was weak. Along with reality's collapse, any Greater Powers within the failing Origin had their data corrupted as more multi-threaded instances of them combined into each other through unsafe methods.

Eventually, the weight of the core universe grew too metaphysically heavy for any part of SNAZ OS to escape, and turned into a supermassive black hole that put the final nail in the Origin's coffin, sealing the fate of the Actuality Zone. All that remains is an immortal, ever-spiteful U 00-00-00, one of the worst glitches known to the Origins and Originless alike.


  • Modrome is the main writer for the Extended Canon
  • Extended Canon is often shortened to EX-canon
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