Major Civilizations

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There are thousands of civilizations present in each and every universe, but only a few manage to make it up to a significant status and become recognized by multigalactic civilization. Civilizations present any number of species, owned planets, and owned/controlled star systems.

Qualifications for Major Status

  • Must control OR own at least 5 star systems
  • Must have a capital planet
  • Must sustain a net value of at least 9,003,388,744 UCC
  • Must have at least 6 exported goods if the economy includes outside trades.
  • Population of 3 trillion or above (Exceptions apply based on population species makeup)

In some special cases, other civilizations have been considered "major" for other reasons.

List of Major Civilizations

Name FCAS Government Type Tech Stage Federation(s) Description
The Umbral Coalition 1 Dictatorship by Organization Reality Code Management The Core 3 The foundation of civilized space, the UC focuses on documenting the universe, and sometimes can be seen maintaining law & order.
GenesisTech 1 Anti-competetive Civilian-Megalogistics Megacorp Basic Exotic Matter Manipulation Mega 10

Normalic Federation

The spitting image of luxury brands and products, this Megacorp runs its own systems to maximize productivity with the least amount of ethical standards.
LabCore Systems 1 Franchised Civilian-Militaristic Megacorp Advanced Plasma Mega 10

Guardians of the Milky Way

Normalic Federation

LabCore is a large-scale megacorp known best for their Revival Insurance plans and plasma technology.
The Archominds 2 Robotic Gestalt Basic Exotic Matter Manipulation Guardians of the Milky Way

Normalic Federation

The Archominds are bizarre AIs that develop the most powerful machines and mechanoids seen throughout every galaxy. Their overbearing reach surprisingly doesn't affect every galaxy in a drastic way. Many within the Archominds often terraform planets or convert other uninhabited planets for their own purposes, and don't typically engage in diplomacy, but are mostly peaceful.
The Borgi 3 Anti-competitive Militarized Megacorp Advanced Plasma Mega 10

Normalic Federation

The Borgi are a pseudo-concrete civilization that occupies 5,000+ star systems and interact with other civilizations and wanderers as salesmen looking to rip citizens off whenever possible.
Monic Bands 4 Split Oligarchic Parties Advanced Nuclear Normalic Federation The Monic Bands are the separate factions of the Skickmon species that ultimately elect representatives that all stand under one flag. They are not a peaceful species at times, depending on who all gets elected.
Maidonus States of Harmony 2 Democracy Basic Plasma Guardians of the Milky Way

Normalic Federation

The MSH are a hyperdiverse civilization of peaceseekers that engage in enlightenment and friendly first contacts with new civilizations. They have 42 alliances under their fold, including the Borgi.
The Gamii Hive 7 Invasive Gestalt Hive Advanced Strange Matter Exploitation The Core 3 The Gamii Hive is a non-peaceful Dark Forest Civilization that seeks to control as many resources as they can, usually going after opportunities where primitive civilizations or systems are not yet protected by any other civilization. They do not often do outside trade or alliances, and prefer to vassalize weaker civilizations.
Calasvan Unity 2 Competitive Mining Megacorp Advanced Plasma Mega 10

Normalic Federation

The Calasvanians are a mining guild that eventually became a government worthy of major status. Astrominers and astromining are their primary foci, but they also are well-known for their Stellar Forges.
Eyes of The Abyss 5 Shadow Democracy Singularity Exploitation Normalic Federation The Eyes of the Abyss specialize in celestial manipulation and the genetic engineering behind Voidju lifeforms. Their demographics feature 5 once-extinct species, all of which have subscribed to a belief in a "Great Reset" and devote their worship to Vetpetmon.
The Rad'ion 7 Anarchy Advanced Strange Matter Exploitation The Core 3 The Rad'ion are a species of plasmid beings. They infiltrate unsuspecting civilizations and attempt to put alien governments into their fold of control. They do not do trade or engage in diplomacy in any other way. Their government is actually an ideal way of thinking within their species, not a real organization.
The Garagonjoin 4 Imperial Patronage Reality Code Manipulation Guardians of the Milky Way

Normalic Federation

Under the servitude of the Great Power Overlord, the Garagonjoin are an isolationist empire that focuses on defending relics, but have been seen trading highly-valuable resources such as Archospheres and Living Metal.
Shibunii Terras 2 Democratic pseudo-hivemind packs Advanced Plasma Guardians of the Milky Way

Normalic Federation

Their origins are unknown, but it's best theorized that these mutated Sol-III canines developed sapience and built their own civilization. Focusing on their mutual relationships, the Shibunii are a peaceful civilization that will help out newbies with getting a foothold in the universe.
United Surfaces of Alaban 3 Oligarchy Advanced Plasma Guardians of the Milky Way

Normalic Federation

A federation of the Alabanians, who trade precious metals and luxury goods. The Alabanians have colonized a handful of planets ever since the void-bound city of Alaban was destroyed by the Nyral Wyrms in an Originless outbreak.
The Guardiox -- ??? Reality Code Manipulation Normalic Federation A bunch of Great Filter Species that decided to band together as one singular government entity. Commonly found guarding centers of galaxies.
Shrouded Slugs -- Criminal Corporation Basic Plasma A whole government of semi-psychics that work for other governments (for a fee, of course.) They are often called upon by other governments to do the dirty work.
Normalcy Keepers -- Council System Reality Code Manipulation Normalic Federation The NK is an extradimensional agency that works exclusively to contain Actuality Zone glitches. It is an independent party theorized to be an internal branch of the Anti-Virus of SNAZ OS itself.
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